Bike rides around Avize

balade en vélo électrique autour d'Avize sur la Côte des Blancs

Want to discover the Champagne region by cycling? There are many bike routes available to you starting from Avize and through the Côte des Blancs.

Whether for novices or experienced cyclists, for couples or families, for a couple hours or a whole day… With bike tourism in Champagne there’s something for everyone!

The rolling landscape surrounding Avize is the perfect setting for bike rides through the vineyards and villages of the Côte des Blancs. We recommend the routes from the Epernay Agglo website or on the Outdoor Active app.

Our favorite itinerary? The Côte des Blancs, of course!

Note that you can rent two electrically assisted bicycles during your stay at Au 1894. We’ll provide you with a roadbook including our recommendations of places not to be missed.

Ride safely: if you stop for a champagne tasting, wait a little before getting back on the road! 😉

balade en vélo électrique au bord de la Marne
carte des circuits de cyclotourisme, balades à vélo autour d'Avize et la Côte des Blancs