
Don’t hesitate to let us know what you think after your stay by sending your review directly on our website using our contact form, or by sharing it on a booking platform.

Thank you for a great overnight stay! Everything was fantastic – from booking it until we left today. When we’re back in the area we would choose to stay with you again 🙂

Claire & Michael (06/04/2023)

Thank you very much for your hospitality! It was a pleasure staying here.

Eva & Andy (Germany, 20/06/2023)

Thank you so much for a delightful stay in your pretty apartment. We all slept very well and hope to visit another time.

Jane (25/07/2023)

Thank you for such a thoughtful place to stay. Very hospitable!

Greg & Robin (Australia, 08/08/2023)

The Grand Cru is a great little bolt-hole to discover the Champagne region from. Has all the amenities needed for a very pleasant stay. Lovely little village, with people so friendly.

Eugene & Sally (27/08/2023)

Many thanks for a great night in this gorgeous village – so quiet and quaint. We had everything we needed – so nice.

Barb, Hugh & Hamish (New Zealand, 18/08/2023)
façade de l'immeuble Bnb Au 1894 à Avize

Thank you!